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New Home for This Website

This site has been moved from its original domain ( to The home page of the domain now redirects to the home page for the Tolkien Studies academic journal.

Why “Tolkien Studies on the Web”?

There seems no end of term papers, personal essays, and comprehensive research projects into the world of Middle-earth. The Internet has magnified the gift of J.R.R. Tolkien’s imagination through the eyes and hands of multitudes. We are not simply moved by the stories he told, we feel the world he made seem so real. There seems no end to the discoveries we find buried in the pages of the Tolkien books.

This site is dedicated to the quiet voices of Tolkien research, the fans who have shared their thoughts on the Web. Some of you have found these sites, but hopefully many of them are new to you. Let’s go on a voyage of discovery and find those distant shores that Earendil visited briefly so long ago.