Archaeologists Excavate Rhine Princess Grave and Tree Town

It’s been an interesting day in the scientific news. In case you’ve been hiding under a rock, numerous Websites have been reporting a major archaeological revelation coming out of the Rhine valley near Basel, Switzerland. Apparently archaeologists working there have uncovered the burial site of an ancient woman who lived in the region about 10,000 years ago (some stories suggest it was more like 12,000 years ago).

The woman, dubbed the \Princess of the Golden Woods” is the sole occupant of a single burial site. However the archaeology team seems to have found many artifacts buried near her possibly indicating that an ancient people buried someone very important to them disassembled their tree dwellings and then moved.

Some people are speculating that perhaps these people moved east across the river to live inside the heart of the Black Forest (which if I recall correctly was Tolkien’s inspiration for Mirkwood). Ancient Germanic tribes often retreated into the Black Forest when they were fighting with the Romans.

What is perhaps the most amazing and startling item to come out of the press conference is the suggestion that a fourth human species may have been discovered (i.e. the Rhine princess). You may recall that last week scientists announced a third human species had been identified in Siberia. So now we have word that possibly a fourth group has been discovered (and apparently an extinct one at that).

So if the Rhine princess of the Golden Woods was not a Modern Human what was she? Scientists from the team are reluctant to speculate pending the outcome of further tests.

Anyway I leave it you to take a look at these stories and decide for yourself what they might mean.

ON EDIT: Some of these articles include pictures from the excavation sites.

This story struck me as being so important I decided to cover it elsewhere on the Web too. Here are a few links to my articles:

And I think I’ve mentioned the news on a couple of mailing lists as well. So I hope my enthusiasm for the topic hasn’t overwhelmed everyone. I’m just so geeked out over the whole story.

FYI – Hawke Robinson and I will try to record a new episode of Middle-earth Talk Radio tonight to cover this breaking story (and perhaps related topics).