Ring the Bells – Today is SF-Fandom’s 10th Birthday!

In case you’ve been sleeping under a rock or staring into the wind, SF-Fandom.com turned 10 years old today (March 6, 2011). We’ve been around longer than most science fiction forums and we’ve outlasted many forums that were around when SF-Fandom launched.

Online science fiction and fantasy isn’t quite the same as it was 10 years ago. People have found new ways to share their creativity online and new media to reach out to one another. SF-Fandom is now integrated with Facebook enough that you can use your Facebook account to register at SF-Fandom and to login. You can also share your SF-Fandom posts with your friends on Facebook.

SF-Fandom has also joined the Twitter community and now posts regular updates for current science fiction news. Our own discussions are mentioned on Twitter and we have reposted some Tweets on the forums.

But we enjoy great discussions about history, science fiction, fantasy, mythology, and great authors, actors, and directors. Our fan community has explored topics closely related to J.R.R. Tolkien and the Inklings in multiple forums.

SF-Fandom, in fact, has one of the few Middle-earth Movie forums that embraces discussion of ALL Middle-earth related films.

This is an exciting time for us. We’ve made it possible for our members to create their own blogs on SF-Fandom. We’re integrating video from YouTube and other select services. And we’re always open to new ideas and suggestions.

Please drop by and wish SF-Fandom a Happy 10th Anniversary. We’ll look forward to hearing from you!